Open-doors migration has forced young Irish people out of the housing market. Ireland has a derogation on immigration under the Lisbon Treaty and we will insist on enacting it. In this regard, IRELAND IS FULL.

We will establish a system in which migrants coming to work in Ireland will do so on a 5-year non-renewable work visa in conjunction with an Australian-style points system. Preference will be given to those immigrants who can speak English and have skills that are not available in Ireland.
The exception to this would be the spouses of Irish citizens.
A work visa will be attached to a particular job and so not transferable to any other employment.
Any new business hiring more than one employee will be required to ensure that half the workforce is Irish.
We would have a survey done of recently issued work visas in order to ascertain which areas require focus for financial resources for education/training. In this way, the Irish work force will be best placed to take up employment.
We believe the Irish diaspora is an under-utilised cultural, economic, and demographic resource and will encourage their return home.
We welcome those who qualify for naturalised citizenship. It is a vital part of the immigrant experience. For those hoping to become Irish citizens, we would make it necessary to pass an exam including historical, cultural, legal and basic Irish language elements.
We take citizenship seriously. Anyone who is applying for or who has attained Irish citizenship will not be permitted citizenship should they be found guilty of serious crime or proven to be a danger to the people of Ireland. Deportation will follow service of sentence for any crime committed.
â–ª We will remove Ireland from the United Nations Global Compact for Migration. We will reform of the asylum system such that ex-Muslim refugees are clearly distinguished and separated from Muslims. We will introduce mandatory classes for International Protection Office (IPO) officials on the plight of ex-Muslims, Christians, Ahmadis, and other vulnerable minorities in the Islamic world.
We will stop the abuse of the asylum system.
â–ª Carriers at point of foreign embarkation will be obliged to check for a visa or the citizenship of any potential passenger wishing to travel to Ireland.
â–ª Anyone who ‘loses’ their passport upon arrival in Ireland between disembarking and immigration, will be put in secure facilities until they can be returned to their own or a third country.
We will end the ‘cash for residency’ Ireland Immigrant Investment Programme.
There will be severe financial penalties for those who employ people who are not lawfully in the country and in possession of a work permit. Individuals who work other than in accordance with the terms of their visa will have their work permit revoked.
Any letting longer than six months will require that landlords obtain a copy of a tenants visa and there will be penalties attached to a landlord who lets property (i.e. whether a room or an apartment or a house) to a person not in possession of a valid visa.