Agriculture is under attack, and food prices are going through the roof. We will fight to repeal Mercosur, the cattle cull and unfair trade practices in the meat industry. Europe's food supplies must be protected. EU directives have made the planning system too complex. We will make it work for ordinary people who want to live in their own area.

Irish Freedom Party's
Agriculture Policies:
The survival of the traditional Irish family farms and of the rural communities which depend on them are now at stake as a result of decades of neglect by our political parties and indifference
from the EU.
The State has prioritized industrial scale producers and processors over the primary producer. Many beef farmers now face dramatic cuts in income due to the EU demand that Ireland accept the importation of low cost beef from South America under the proposed Mercosur trade deal, which was developed as a quid pro quo to allow increased exportation from the German car manufacturing industry to South America. At the same time, the State is imposing increasing carbon taxes that penalise farmers and rural residents this beef is to be imported from half-way around the world, involving huge carbon footprint.
â–ª The Irish Freedom Party want Irish farmers to be put ahead of industrial food processors. We will tame the beef barons and put an agreed system in place that guarantees a fair price for farmers.
â–ªThe Irish Freedom Party will reject the EU Mercosur trade deal as it bad for Irish farming
families and communities and bad for the environment. We have the highest quality beef in the world we have heavily invested in the protection of the environment and have developed environmentally friendly programs to ensure that farming and wildlife can be successfully managed. This has been set at naught by the EU, with Ireland’s acquiescence, to facilitate the larger European economies.
â–ª The Irish Freedom Party will use the Irish veto to block any trade deal that threatens Irish farming and our future food security. The future of rural Ireland must not be sacrificed on the altar of globalisation.
Protection of animals from cruelty
The Irish Freedom Party rejects the cruel practice of non-stun slaughter of animals.