
Michael Leahy

General Election Candidate for
County Clare

Michael Leahy is your Irish Freedom Party General Election Candidate for
County Clare.
Michael Leahy graduated as an architect in 1981 and has been an employer since 1986. He was educated at UCD, University of Virginia, and Blackhall Place. A native of Kerry who also has Tipperary roots, he has spent most of his working life in Clare. President of Ennis Chamber of Commerce 1993 to 1995, Board member, an Bord Pleanála, 2012 to 2017, former chairman Clare Pro-Life, Founder member and Chairman, Irish Freedom Party, 2021
My Key Pledges

2. Sensible Climate Policy:
End the Zero Carbon Agenda
We say NO to carbon taxes
Too rapid an energy transition, with carbon taxes and fuel levies, harms food production, farmers' livelihoods, industry and business. It also drives inflation and cost of living increases. We support alternative energies but will promote a sensible energy policy that will protect ordinary people.

Small businesses are drowning in a sea of regulation, with complex reporting requirements, and unending state interference. It is essential that we simplify the process of running a business or running a farm. We will defend the use of cash and resist mandatory digital currencies. The rates burden on small business needs to be reduced. we need to ensure that business people can keep more of the money that they earn. We support a reduction in the hospitality VAT rate to 9% and a reduction from 23% to 21% in the business VAT rate reducing the 17.5% over three years.
Ireland's "hate speech" laws have caused alarm worldwide. The Fine Gael leadership have brazenly stated that as soon as the election is over they will move to implement the so-called hate speech legislation despite the uproar there was on this matter over the past months. What we call the "parties of the centre" in Ireland have come to represent a real threat to our democracy on this matter. Without open debate, democracy dies.